Starlight - Increases the effect by a FLAT AMOUNT

Flash - Increases the effect by a PERCENTAGE amount

Mag-Cloud - Increases the effect by a FLAT AMOUNT

Here is my Protector ship, Warden. In the screen shot below you can see what this ships special ability is (it increases ALL friendly ships' S-DEFense by 30% for two rounds AND increases all friendly ships' BLOCK by 30% for one round! To the right are the current amounts of energy for each ability.

Tekken - Increases the effect by a PERCENTAGE amount

NOTE: The "Charged" Galactonite is NOT a rock you can use in a ship. It can be converted into Galactonite Energy. These are explained in my Galactonite Energy Hints section.

Increases the speed of your ship and the overall fleet.

Refining Galactonite allows you to make a bunch of R-1 rocks into a R-2 rock, R-2 rocks into a R-3 rock, etc. So you can make stronger rocks for yourself. You will also produce Galactonite Energy which you can use to make your rocks stronger.

3) The easiest rocks to get are the rocks above that I have labeled as "Flat Energy" rocks (Strike, Guardian, etc.). They increase the energy of your ship by a flat amount. Because these generally are the easiest ones to make (or buy), I used them in my ships from the beginning of the game until I reached level 50 or so. If you have a Strike Rock with 50,000 energy, and you increase your rock's energy level by 5,000, it will go up to 55,000 units -- an increase of 10%.

HINT: Once you have gotten into the game you should SAVE any "big" rocks (like Level 4 and above) even if you are not currently using them. You can store them in the Galactonite Center -- OR -- save them in ships that you are not using! Save them because they might hard to acquire AND you might be able to use them later (to supply a ship or to combine and make into a larger rock).

​4) Around level 50 or so I suggest that you start to replace the Flat Amount rocks with the rocks that increase you strength by a Percentage amount. Here's the reasoning:

              A 50,000 rock increased by 5,000 units = 55,000 units, a 10% increase.

              A 500,000 rock increased by 5,000 units = 505,000 units, a 1% increase.

              However, a 500,000 rock increased by 3% = 515,000 units

A percentage increase on a large strength results in much larger increase on that rock than a flat amount of increase.

5) You can still use the flat amount rocks, they do have value. It depends on the type of ship you have, the types of rocks that you have and what your overall goal is for each ship and your fleet. Some ships are better at offense, others are better at defense. The better ships are good at both. The Destroyer ships are the only ships that use "Deep Blue" because it's an energy attack ship and Deep Blue provides the energy needed for that attack. Also take a look at the attributes your ship has. If it has a lot of defensive capabilities  you might want to increase it's offensive capabilities ... or you might want to make this ship a very strong defensive ship.

Deep Blue - Increases the effect by a FLAT AMOUNT, only useful on a Destroyer ship

There are different ideas on which rocks work best. In general I believe the following:

1)  When you are first starting the game, any rock is better than no rock. Make sure ships have a full complement of rocks no matter what they are or how strong they are.

​2)  Learn how to refine Galactonite - if you don't know how, use the link below:

Staroean - Increases the effect by a FLAT AMOUNT. This is a difficult stone to get at level 5 or above.

Guardian - Increases the effect by a FLAT AMOUNT

Strike - Increases the effect by a FLAT AMOUNT

Information from Wikia.

Pri-energy - Increases the effect by a FLAT AMOUNT

Here are the rocks I am currently using on Warden. I decided to give this defense ship a bit more offensive power so I have added the following rocks: Tekkan (increase critical damage), Deatheye (increased hit rate), Fury (increase critical rating) and Fissure (increase penetration). I also stepped up it's defensive capabilities with Flash (dodge) and Phantom (block). I added Meteor (or speed) and Starocean (to help activate the special attack). If I can get some duel action rocks I'd like to add Guardian (physical defense) and Mag cloud (increase special defense). NOTE: I am NOT suggesting that this is the best configuration of rocks for Warden - these are the rocks I am currently experimenting with to see how well they work for the ship, and fleet, that I use.

One additional rock:

Some Information from Wikia.


R-6 "Deep Blue"

Increases the effect by a FLAT AMOUNT. This is a difficult stone to get.

Divine Shield - Increases the effect by a PERCENTAGE amount

A square stone is an R-2 (Guardian stone in chart  below), a larger stone with points on each end is an R-3 (Strike rock below). The rock "Pri-energy" below, is an R-4, and the "Devine Shield" below is an R-5. Directly below is an example of an R-6 "Deep Blue" stone, an R-7 "Fury" and a duel rock called "Roaring" which a level R-5 Penetration AND Divine Shield.

The following chart shows the types of Galactonite, their color and what the effects are of each kind. When you are outfitting your ship, don't just add the ones that give you the greatest overall strength number. Look for types of Galactonite that will best help out each of your individual ships. Note that Galactonite is referred to as rocks, stones or crystals depending on who you talk to. For which rocks to use on your ships, scroll to the bottom of this page.

For new players, the different shapes are different "ranks' of the same stone. The lowest rank is an R-1, and they increase in number from there. A R-1 "Guardian" stone is in the shape of a triangle (shown below). 

Which Rocks Work Best?

R-5 - Duel Stone called "Roaring," a combination of Penetration and Divine Shield

Using Galactonite

Deatheye - Increases the effect by a PERCENTAGE amount

Fury - Increases the effect by a PERCENTAGE amount

Fissure - Increases the effect by a PERCENTAGE amount

Phantom - Increases the effect by a PERCENTAGE amount

R-7 "Fury"


Types of Galactonite Rocks