The hints that have offered assume that you have played the game for a while and are somewhat familiar with the terms used in the game. I have not included any procedures on how to start playing the game. I am concentrating on a few hints that I have discovered to be difficult to master or were not immediately clear to me. If you have other hints to share, or have questions, please feel free to email me. (My email address is at the top of each website page.) Again, please remember, I am NOT a Galaxy Legend expert!
If you find any errors in this site please let me know! i want to keep this as accurate as possible. I hope to be adding additional information as time permits.
On my wish list is someone taking the time to THROUGHLY explain how the lieutenant system works. I have lieutenants, but I'm not even sure where to place them ... in the "Back-Up" area or do they have to be right with the ship that are the working with? Any help would be appreciated.
* This is the game I am currently playing.
* The game is produced by Tap4Fun.
* I play the Apple iOS version.
* The game is available on the Apple store and for Android.
* My Ship is GrayHawk and I'm on the World 670 iOS Server.
* I am currently a Level 92 and played the game for over a year.